Here’s a sampling of the cards I’ve made with new products that will be on display at my open house. The open house is January 7 from 10 am to 2 pm. The address is 1725 Hagood Loop. Come pick up a catalog, get inspired and meet with crafty friends. There will be paper and ribbon shares for purchase and a free make ‘n take. There will be new kits and a new scrapbook brochure starting January 7.
From January 7 through the end of February with purchases $60 or more earn free products from the Salebration catalog. It’s a great time to stock up on supplies and earn free stuff. Who doesn’t like free?
This year I am selling 1/4 paper pack shares. Get all the designer papers in the mini catalog for $28. The paper share will include a 1/4 pack of a salebration paper. The ribbon share is 2 yds of 3 different ribbons for $7. Let me know if you would like to purchase a share so I can get it ordered. I will also have some kits for purchase to use with the paper shares. See cards above for an idea what you could make with the paper share and kit.
I look forward to another great year crafting with you. Happy New Year and hope to see you Tuesday January 7 or at an upcoming class.